Our purpose is clear!

We are committed to the development and training of people in order to turn them into tools for business transformation and, consequently, for socio-cultural impact.

Our impact on
Caring for people

Diversity and inclusion

We periodically carry out a census with our employees to understand the relationship levels, diversity, rapport and composition of our internal team. Our HR team then carries out an analysis so that the entire feedback process is as transparent and fair as possible for all participants.

To ensure a safe and diverse space for everyone, we hold an annual training session on "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging". 100% of our employees take part, sharing their experiences and providing data to build a united team.

Our culture and
people management

Our greatest asset is you

Our managers are responsible for drawing up six-monthly Individual Development Plans (IDPs), with monthly monitoring of each employee's performance.

We believe that the Individual Development Plan is one of the most effective ways of monitoring our employees' progress in different competencies, without neglecting the coherence and humanization of the process.

At Lingopass, the IDP is built on what makes sense for the employee. Among the points analyzed are the competencies for the position, such as organization, coordination, risk mapping and also cultural fit, such as transparency, customer obsession, diversity, collaboration, among others.

Our engagement actions

In a climate of reciprocity

A climate survey is carried out every 6 months to understand the satisfaction levels of our employees, in order to celebrate positive metrics of our management as well as create efforts to correct existing gaps in our processes. Our focus is on improving every day!

To motivate and relax our work routine, we have created ways to engage our team, such as:

  • LingoRace - competition between employees within the platform
  • LingoPets - to share everyday life with our pets;
  • LingoPaid - to motivate physical and mental exercise;
  • Café com Inovação - as an open space for new ideas to emerge and the team to exercise all the creativity within them!

Our performance expressed in figures

learning team
Team at
0% turnover
2.83% turnover
Tales of our talents
Gabriel Campos - Junior ESG Analyst

I got to know Lingopass through a friend who explained to me about the EFA and the scholarships donated, and I decided to venture into the saga of learning a new language. From day one, I loved the atmosphere, the people and the way everything worked to provide a good experience for the students, which motivated me to focus even more on my studies. Today, working directly with the EPT, I see in the selected students how happy they are to take part in this project that opens the door to so many opportunities, and this motivates me every day. Knowing that I was once one of the students and that today I'm making a difference in other people's lives makes me very satisfied with the purpose of the program and the achievements I've made along the way, as well as, of course, being able to continue studying and doing my best. Today one of my hobbies is studying languages and knowing that I'm evolving in various processes.

Tainã Anjos - Customer Success Coordinator

"Taking part in Empowering Talents was a very important challenge for my professional life. I had always wanted to study and learn another language and I found this possibility at Lingopass. Today, as an employee, I continue to be challenged on a daily basis! This is both because I continue to study and don't give up on learning another language, and because I work hard every day to improve our product and guide our customers to the success of their employees in learning a new language."


Lingopass has implemented the LingoGreen program, a comprehensive sustainability program aimed at:

The program covers training in sustainable design, sustainability criteria for suppliers, reducing CO2 emissions, sustainable digital working practices, and the use of recyclable materials, aiming for a holistic approach to reducing the ecological footprint and promoting environmental awareness among employees and partners.

Minimizing the environmental impact of your courses and training
Responsible operation of digital infrastructure
Educating our employees about sustainable practices

Our concern for transparent and honest governance

With a corporate structure made up mostly of women, Lingopass has a policy that covers everything from combating corruption to preserving the company's image and assets, as well as best governance and sustainability practices.

Thus, it promotes an ethical and responsible work environment, respecting laws and regulations; gaining the trust of shareholders, clients and the community; as well as winning the support of renowned international institutions (such as EY Brazil and Mazars France).

Lingopass strengthens its commitment to best practices in governance and sustainability by partnering with renowned international institutions such as EY Brazil and Mazars France, both of which recognize and support the company through their acceleration programs.

Our certifications

Lingopass extends its commitment to diversity and inclusion by receiving the "Women-Owned" certification from WEConnect International, demonstrating the company's commitment to female leadership.

Lançado em 2000, o Pacto Global orienta e apoia a comunidade empresarial global no avanço das metas e valores da ONU por meio de práticas corporativas responsáveis. Com mais de 21 mil participantes distribuídos em 65 redes locais, reúne 18 mil empresas e 3.800 organizações não-empresariais baseadas em 101 países, sendo a maior iniciativa de sustentabilidade corporativa do mundo, com abrangência e engajamento em 162 países.

O Fórum Empresas com Refugiados é uma iniciativa da Agência da ONU para Refugiados (ACNUR) e Pacto Global da ONU no Brasil. É formado por empresas e outros tipos de organizações empresariais interessadas em apoiar a inclusão de pessoas refugiadas no mercado de trabalho.

Iniciativa com o objetivo de apoiar e inspirar empresárias que lideram a expansão e a transformação de suas organizações. O programa conta com uma mentoria com duração de um ano.

Lingopass foi uma das 10 startups selecionadas para integrar o Mazars x Factory, primeiro acelerador da Mazars, grupo internacional nascido na França,  presente em mais de 95 países com mais de 47.000 colaboradores, especializado em auditoria, consultoria tributária e serviços de assessoria, fundado na França em 1945, concorrente das “big four”.

Projetado para apoiar empresas líderes em estágio inicial e com forte potencial de impacto no ecossistema brasileiro para escalar e se preparar para o crescimento organizado.

O Lingopass foi classificado entre as 100 empresas de tecnologia educacional mais promissoras na categoria de aprendizagem de idiomas pela consultoria americana HolonIQ, destacando nosso produto, experiência do usuário, equipe e potencial de  crescimento.

Lingopass extends its commitment to diversity and inclusion by receiving the "Women-Owned" certification from WEConnect International, demonstrating the company's commitment to female leadership.


Lingopass has joined the UN Global Compact in Brazil, a United Nations (UN) initiative to mobilize the business community to adopt and promote, in their business practices, the Ten Principles universally accepted in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption.

Pacto Global: Lançado em 2000

O Fórum Empresas com Refugiados é uma iniciativa da Agência da ONU para Refugiados (ACNUR) e Pacto Global da ONU no Brasil. É formado por empresas e outros tipos de organizações empresariais interessadas em apoiar a inclusão de pessoas refugiadas no mercado de trabalho.

Fórum Empresas com Refugiados

Iniciativa com o objetivo de apoiar e inspirar empresárias que lideram a expansão e a transformação de suas organizações. O programa conta com uma mentoria com duração de um ano.

EY entrepreneurial winning women 2023

O Lingopass foi uma das 10 startups selecionadas para integrar o Mazars x Factory, primeiro acelerador da Mazars, grupo internacional nascido na França,  presente em mais de 95 países com mais de 47.000 colaboradores, especializado em auditoria, consultoria tributária e serviços de assessoria, fundado na França em 1945, concorrente das “big four”.

mazars x factory

Projetado para apoiar empresas líderes em estágio inicial e com forte potencial de impacto no ecossistema brasileiro para escalar e se preparar para o crescimento organizado.

scale up endeavor

O Lingopass foi classificado entre as 100 empresas de tecnologia educacional mais promissoras na categoria de aprendizagem de idiomas pela consultoria americana HolonIQ, destacando nosso produto, experiência do usuário, equipe e potencial de  crescimento.

2023 latin america edtech 100
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