Terms, Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy

These terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use") aim to regulate the operations carried out through any of the virtual channels ("Virtual Channels") made available to the general public by LINGOPASS CURSOS ON LINE LTDA.- ("LINGOPASS"), a limited liability company registered with CNPJ/MF No. 42.567.596/0001-56, with address at Rua Fernão Dias, n. 106, conj. 07, Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05427-010, for the purpose of enabling the trading of licenses, using a virtual platform.

Carefully read the terms and conditions of use ("Terms of Use") below, since such provisions, supported by Law 8.078/1990 (Code of Consumer Protection), Decree 7.962/2013 ("E-commerce Law"), Law 12.965/2014 (Marco Civil da internet) and Law 13.709/2018 (General Law of Protection of Personal Data - LGPD), will establish the rules of access and use of Virtual Channels, as well as the information and conditions applicable to commercial transactions, services and products ("Licenses using virtual platform") through them available to users in general.

To facilitate the analysis of the Terms of Use, we present below a summary of their respective topics.
1.1 Licenses for access to the LINGOPASS platform

LINGOPASS provides access keys (licenses) using a virtual platform containing several contents, interaction channels, resources and functionalities.

Through its Virtual Channels, LINGOPASS informs in detail about the characteristics of the virtual platform or software used - including its resources and functionalities - as well as the respective prices and forms of payment for the licenses acquired.

Any promotional values, understood as discounts in the value of the licenses, will be informed in advance at the Virtual Channels

Read all information carefully before hiring any licenses, to ensure that our services fully meet your expectations. LINGOPASS is at your disposal at contato@lingopass.com.br.

LINGOPASS reserves the right to change at any time the terms, characteristics, prices and payment methods of its licenses, without prejudice to the terms and conditions previously contracted.
1.2 Registration

To start using our services, the user must fill out an online registration form, informing his/her full name, CPF, full address, phone number and e-mail address, and also create a password for his/her personal account for future access to each access key to the virtual platform.

The user will be entirely responsible for the veracity of the data he/she enters when filling out his/her registration form, and the e-mail address informed will be officially used by LINGOPASS for sending all information and notices related to the license contracted, for which reason any subsequent alteration must be immediately communicated by the user, under penalty of the information sent to the e-mail address originally informed being assumed to have been duly received by the user.

The user will be the only responsible for his/her login and password in his/her personal account with LINGOPASS, and will be accountable for all acts performed through his/her access account. Therefore, it is the user's duty to care for the safekeeping and confidentiality of his/her password, not giving it to third parties, thus avoiding potential inconveniences. The user must immediately notify LINGOPASS by email sucessodoaluno@lingopass.com.br of any unauthorized use of his/her access account, as well as any breach of security or abnormality in the use of the system.

Minors under 18 years of age should only register through their legal guardians, who will be responsible for the veracity and sharing of their information with LINGOPASS.
1.3 Acceptance of the Terms of Use

After registering, the User must read and expressly accept (by clicking on the "I agree" button in the process of purchasing the Site and/or accessing the virtual platform) the full content of the Terms of Use. Once accepted by the user, the Terms of Use will become binding and enforceable for both parties, governing the relationship between them.
1.4 Prohibition of unauthorized sharing and reproduction of the learning content

The learning content available on the virtual platform is to be used only by the contracting user, and its sharing with third parties or any form of reproduction not expressly authorized in writing by LINGOPASS is forbidden.
1.5 Performance

LINGOPASS does not guarantee the achievement of objectives or goals by the user, depending exclusively on his/her performance, commitment and personal capacity to use the service, and LINGOPASS will only deliver its services under the exact terms and conditions agreed between the parties.
1.6 Registration and monitoring of communication with LINGOPASS

All communications between LINGOPASS and user(s), including telephone conversations, e-mails, WhatsApp (or similar) messages, video conferences, etc., may be monitored and registered by the company for security, quality assurance, legal or training purposes.
1.7 Use of the material produced by the user during interactions on the platform

LINGOPASS encourages the production of materials and contents by the user him/herself on the platform, reserving the right to use them at a later date.
1.8 Infrastructure required to access the Lingopass platform

The educational content made available online will require the User (or the entity to which he or she is linked) to provide access to the internet through its own equipment under his or her own responsibility by hiring an ISP and other suppliers necessary for this purpose.

Some of the services or tools made available on the platform, especially in the case of online video, immersion experiences in 3D videos, among others, may require the installation of third-party software, and the User (or the entity to which it is linked) agrees to do so at its own expense, without this constituting, under any circumstances, cause for cancellation or termination of the Terms of Use.
1.9 Lingopass platform access problems

In case of problems with access to the Lingopass platform, the user should contact sucessodoaluno@lingopass.com.br reporting the problem. Once contacted, LINGOPASS will verify whether the request is justified and, if so, will take the appropriate measures to solve the problem, including, if necessary, contacting the user during business hours (from 8am to 6pm), from Monday to Friday, working days.

Any interruptions resulting from preventive maintenance of the software, or any other occurrence beyond the control and diligence of LINGOPASS, such as, but not limited to, lack of power supplied by the electricity provider, failures caused by computer service providers, force majeure and acts of God, among others, are not considered problems in the access to the platform.

The technical support provided by LINGOPASS is limited to operational issues of its platform, exclusively in the environment of its platforms, and does not cover problems related to the equipment and devices used by the user, nor any kind of residential assistance.

LINGOPASS will not be held responsible for the following:
a. Equipment infected or hacked;
b. Equipment malfunctioning at the time of service consumption;
c. Computer protection;
d. Protection of information based on users' computers;
e. Abuse of users' computers;
f. Clandestine monitoring of users' computers;
g. Vulnerabilities or instabilities in users' systems;
h. Insecure perimeter;
i. Personal data breach incidents;
j. Fines or sanctions imposed by the National Data Protection Authority;
k. Legal actions resulting from incidents involving personal data. Under no circumstances will LINGOPASS be responsible for the installation of malicious codes (viruses, trojans, malware, worms, bot, backdoor, spyware, rootkit, or any others that may be created) on the user's or third party's equipment as a result of the user navigating the internet.
1.10 Intellectual property

By granting access to the Lingopass platform, or to any of the functionalities available on its platform, LINGOPASS does not assign to the user any property rights over components, creation, computer program (and its respective source code, descriptive memorial, internal functional specifications, diagrams, flowcharts), image, drawing, or any other item available on its Virtual Channelswith the exception of the right to access the contracted resources and functionalities, under the terms, conditions and limits adjusted at the time of the contracting.
1.11 Responsibilities of the user

The login and password can only be used by the registered user. He/she undertakes to keep the password secret, which is personal and non-transferable, and it is not possible, under any circumstances, to allege misuse after the act of sharing.

The platform user is responsible for updating his/her personal information and the consequences of omission or errors in the personal information registered.

The user is responsible for repairing any and all damages, direct or indirect (including those resulting from the violation of any rights of other users or third parties, including rights of intellectual property, secrecy and personality), caused to LINGOPASS, to any other user, or to any third party, including those resulting from non-compliance with the provisions of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy or from any act carried out through his/her access to the internet and to the lingopass.com.br site.
2.1 Payment and Order Confirmation

you register and expressly accept the Terms of Useyou can pay by bank payment slip or credit card by registering your data on the online payment management platform Mundipagg(http://www.mundipagg.com.br) available throughout the contracting process made available by Virtual Channels.

By informing their data to purchase a license via credit card, the user automatically authorizes the charging of the respective full price for the contracted service, under the exact terms and conditions of payment previously informed by the Virtual Channels. Virtual Channels.

For the users' safety, credit card information is not stored on LINGOPASS servers. This information is entered by the user through encrypted operations directly on the payment platform(s) mentioned above, which is why the user, by agreeing to the Terms of Use

After approval and conclusion of the payment, the user will receive a confirmation via e-mail at the e-mail address he/she provided at the time of registration.

LINGOPASS reserves the right not to confirm the purchase or to cancel the license purchase in case (i) the user has included incorrect or invalid registration information, or (iii) fraud, bad faith, non-compliance with any of the terms and policies of the Site

Some of the contracting steps may, eventually, be altered or adapted partially upon prior notice to the user in view of the peculiarities of the virtual platform access service contracted.

Eventual promotional values, understood as the concession of discounts on the value of any licenses, are not cumulative.
2.2 Access to the Lingopass platform

access to the Lingopass platform will be available to users within 2 working days from the date of confirmation of payment, as described in the previous section.

LINGOPASS reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to change the conditions of access to its Virtual Channels or its virtual platform, changing its design and/or presentation, including or eliminating features and/or functionalities and/or information that do not compromise the benefits and characteristics of its virtual platform.
2.3  Direito de Arrependimento

O(A) usuário(a) terá o prazo de até 7 dias corridos contados da data da contratação e pagamento online para exercer seu direito de arrependimento, com reembolso integral do valor pago.

Para exercer seu direito de arrependimento, dentro do prazo legal de 7 dias a contar do ato do pagamento, o(a) usuário(a) deverá entrar em contato com o LINGOPASS pelo e-mail cancelamento@lingopass.com.br, manifestando expressamente seu interesse em cancelar a contratação da licença por ele contratado.

Tão logo receba a solicitação de arrependimento por parte do(a) usuário(a), na hipótese de contratação por cartão de crédito, o LINGOPASS solicitará - dentro do prazo de até 72 horas úteis  – à respectiva administradora o estorno do pagamento, o que será processado de acordo com a política para tanto praticada pela administradora do cartão de crédito do(a) usuário(a), sobre a qual o LINGOPASS não detém qualquer gerência, com o que o(a) usuário(a) declara compreender e anuir.

Na hipótese de pagamento efetivado por boleto bancário, o valor será devolvido em até 10 dias úteis mediante depósito bancário em conta a ser informada pelo(a) usuário(a).

2.4  Cancelamento após o prazo legal de arrependimento

Após o período legal de 7 dias para arrependimento, o(a) usuário(a) ainda pode solicitar o cancelamento da licença contratada. Para isso, basta enviar um e-mail para cancelamento@lingopass.com.br, explicitando claramente o desejo de cancelar.

2.4.1 Opções de cancelamento:
- Até 180 dias após a compra: O(a) usuário(a) tem direito a um reembolso parcial.
- Após 180 dias: O cancelamento resultará em crédito para futuros serviços.

2.4.2 Resposta do LINGOPASS:
Uma vez notificado, o LINGOPASS oferecerá duas opções por e-mail:
a) Reembolso parcial: disponível para pedidos feitos até 180 dias após a compra.
b) Crédito para futuras contratações: disponível para cancelamentos feitos após os 180 dias iniciais ou como alternativa ao reembolso parcial dentro deste período.

Se a opção do(a) usuário(a) for o cancelamento com (a) reembolso parcial do preço, o LINGOPASS reterá o percentual de 30% (a título de multa de 10% acrescida de indenização por perdas e danos de 20%) sobre o valor devido pelas mensalidades vincendas.

Se a opção do(a) usuário(a) for o cancelamento com (b) crédito, o LINGOPASS reterá o valor das mensalidades vencidas até a data do recebimento do pedido de cancelamento, conferindo-lhe um crédito no valor equivalente ao saldo remanescente do valor pago, que poderá ser utilizado para contratação de uma nova licença, no prazo de até 1 (um) ano a partir do cancelamento.

Depois de solicitado o cancelamento com crédito, o(a) usuário(a) não poderá requerer posteriormente cancelamento com reembolso parcial do preço.

O(A) usuário(a) tem o prazo de até 30 dias corridos, a contar do recebimento do e-mail com a resposta do LINGOPASS ofertando as 2 formas de cancelamento disponíveis, para optar por uma delas (a) reembolso parcial ou (b) crédito. Transcorrido o prazo supra referido sem resposta do(a) usuário(a), o cancelamento será considerado como de crédito, sem possibilidade de posterior alteração para reembolso parcial.

Se eventualmente for apurado um débito do(a) usuário(a) para com a LINGOPASS, ele ficará obrigado a imediatamente liquidá-lo para efetivação de cancelamento nas modalidades acima referidas.

Considerações específicas para acesso a sessões de interações síncronas:

a) Se o(a) usuário(a) se atrasar ou se ausentar nos dias em que estiverem previstas sessões de interações síncronas, não terá direito à restituição do valor referente à sessão perdida, e não poderá repô-las sem pagamento extra pela sessão a ser recuperada; e

b) Se o(a) usuário(a) se atrasar ou se ausentar nos dias em que estiverem previstas sessão síncrona, não terá direito à restituição do valor referente à sessão perdida, e não poderá repô-la sem pagamento extra pela sessão a ser recuperada investimento, salvo se requerer o cancelamento pontual da sessão com pelo menos 24 horas úteis de antecedência, sempre por escrito, por intermédio do e-mail pedagogico@lingopass.com.br, devidamente confirmado.

Em qualquer hipótese de cancelamento de sua licença de acesso à plataforma Lingopass, o usuário(a) não terá direito à devolução do valor pago por serviços prestados e acessos realizados quando da contratação dos serviços.
2.5 Cancellation of access by LINGOPASS

LINGOPASS may cancel a user's access to the Lingopass platform at any time:
a) due to non-payment of the fees;
b) due to violation of the Terms of Use or any other specific rule of the license agreement;
c) by committing an illegal or illegal infringement of applicable law, or
d) in the event of synchronous sessions, if the minimum number of users required for synchronous sessions has not been reached.
3.1 About LINGOPASS corporate plans

corporate plans offer companies the possibility of providing their employees with access licenses to the Lingopass platform.

To do this, the company selects the Lingopass plan that best suits its needs and conditions, informs its employees of the program and the respective participation terms.

LINGOPASS will send an e-mail to the employees previously indicated by the company containing the access data to the Lingopass virtual platform, and then each indicated employee takes a preliminary assessment and starts his or her access journey to the platform, whose progress will be constantly followed and monitored by a manager indicated by the company.

LINGOPASS corporate plans may be (i) fully paid by the company or (ii) partially subsidized by the company, requiring its employees to pay for a portion of the licenses acquired; or (iii) the company may contract with LINGOPASS a special discount for its employees and/or their families to contract licenses individually.
3.2 Access to the Lingopass platform and its features and functionalities

corporate plans fully or partially funded by the company, only those employees previously registered by the company with LINGOPASS (providing full name, CPF, telephone number and e-mail address) and who personally signify their consent to the Terms and Conditions of Use sent to them for this purpose will have access to Lingopass.

For corporate plans where the company contracts with LINGOPASS a special discount for its employees and/or their families to contract the licenses individually, the employee's access will follow what is stated in item 2.2.

The company contracting the LINGOPASS corporate plan will be entirely responsible for the veracity of the data on its employees entered when filling out the registration form and/or the respective subscription form. The e-mail address informed will be officially used by LINGOPASS to send all the information and notices related to the access licenses contracted.

Employees are solely responsible for their personal Lingopass account login and password and are liable for all acts performed using their Lingopass account. It is therefore the employee's duty to ensure the safekeeping and confidentiality of his/her password, and not to provide it to third parties, thus avoiding potential inconvenience.

Notwithstanding the above, employee access to Lingopass must also comply with any specific provisions contained in the contract between the contracting company and LINGOPASS.
3.3 Educational content made available to employees

The educational content to be made available to employees will comply with the Terms and Conditions of the agreement between the company and LINGOPASS.

3.3.2 Specific conditions for leave with compulsory attendance, progress and performance towards certification:.3.2 Specific conditions for licenses with attendance, progress and performance obligations for obtaining certification:

a) each module or course made available on the Lingopass virtual platform will clearly inform the user in advance about the volume and minimum attendance, progress and performance conditions for obtaining certification related to the respective module or course.

b) Rules regarding the fulfillment of goals by the employee and/or the employee's non-attendance at synchronous sessions may be stipulated in a contract with the contracting company.

3.4 Specific considerations for access to synchronous interaction sessions and hypothesis of collaborator exclusion

3.4.1 Specific considerations for access to synchronous interaction sessions:

a) If the user is late or absent on the days in which synchronous interaction sessions are scheduled, the company shall not be entitled to a refund of the amount referring to the lost session, and shall not be able to replace it without an extra payment for the session to be recovered, unless the user requests the timely cancellation of the session at least 24 business hours in advance, always in writing, through the e-mail pedagogico@lingopass.com.br, duly confirmed.

b) In the event of cancellation of the Lingopass platform access license by decision of the user, the user will not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid for services rendered and accesses made when contracting the services.

3.4.2. LINGOPASS reserves the right to cancel at any time the access of all employees of a company and/or of a specific employee:
a) due to a breach of contract by the contracting company;
b) due to a violation of the Terms of Use or any other specific rule related to the license; or
c) due to the practice of an illegal, immoral or illegal act, either by the employee or by the contracting company.

3.5 Declaration of the employee

The employee declares that he/she has been previously instructed by the company to which he/she is linked about all the terms and conditions of participation in the corporate plan, being aware that his/her performance and dedication will be constantly monitored and evaluated by a manager of the hiring company.

The employee also declares that he/she has previously authorized the company to send his/her contact and registration data to LINGOPASS, with the aim of accessing the Lingopass virtual platform, object of the corporate plan.
4.1 About Empowering Talents

The Empowering Talents program was conceived by LINGOPASS in partnership with a council of leaders of organizations to exchange learning and connections with the ultimate goal of positively impacting people and businesses.

EmpoweringTalents is a language learning support program aimed at professionals in situations of social and economic vulnerability and/or at the beginning and/or transition of their careers from all over Brazil, indicated by private and public partner organizations, following pre-defined criteria detailed in each call for proposals, such as: age, location, family income, diversity, level of proficiency in foreign languages, level of education, time availability, access to the internet and computer, social engagement and motivation.

Empowering Talents beneficiaries will receive full or partial, free and/or discounted access to the Lingopass virtual platform(www.lingopass.com.br) owned by LINGOPASS.

Both fully capable individuals (over 18 years of age) and legal entities may donate to the program.
4.2 Selection criteria for Empowering Talents beneficiaries

will be responsible for selecting the candidates indicated by the partner organizations, and may accept or reject the nominations according to the criteria and objectives of Empowering Talents, as well as its own capacity to provide access to the Lingopass platform, which may even lead to the rejection of all candidates pre-selected by the organizations.
4.3 Educational content and features provided by the Empowering Talents program

The educational
content and features provided by the Empowering Talents program will follow what is informed in each notice.
4.4 Program Phases

program includes several phases defined in each call for applications:
Phase 1 - Selection Process
Phase 2- Acceleration Bootcamp, with access period to Lingopass defined in each call for applications.

To benefit from Phase 2, the candidate must have been approved by LINGOPASS in the selection phase.
4.5 Evaluation Criteria

LINGOPASS is solely responsible for evaluating, with absolute autonomy and independence, the performance of the Empowering Talents scholarship recipients.
4.6 Access to Lingopass

to the Lingopass platform for Empowering Talents Program members will be available to you within 10 working days from confirmation of your registration and acceptance of the Terms of Use

LINGOPASS reserves the right, at any time and at its sole discretion, to change the conditions of access to its Virtual ChannelsLINGOPASS reserves the right to change, at any time and at its sole discretion, the conditions of access to its Virtual Channels, altering their design and/or presentation, including or eliminating functionalities and/or information that do not compromise the benefits and characteristics of its virtual platform.

Access to the Lingopass platform under the Empowering Talents program will be personal and non-transferable, and users are prohibited from reproducing or sharing its content with unauthorized third parties.
4.7 Exclusion of beneficiaries

Empowering Talents beneficiaries may be excluded from the program and consequently lose their right to access the Lingopass platform in the following cases:
a) if the beneficiary, during the program, has not complied with the requirements concerning dedication, deadlines or others that have been previously established as criteria for engagement in the program by LINGOPASS;
b) if the beneficiary, after concluding the 1st selective phase of the program, withdraws from the 2nd phase;
c) eventually, in case of default of the program, due to non-payment of the donation installments by the donator;
d) due to violation by the beneficiary of any of the rules and conditions of the Empowering Talents program, the Terms of Use;
e) due to the practice of an illegal act or an act that violates the legislation in force.

With the exception of hypothesis "c" above, in all other cases of exclusion from the program, the funds originally intended for the grant recipient will be allocated to other Empowering Talents recipient(s).
4.8 Declaration and commitment by the beneficiary

The Empowering Talents beneficiary declares that he/she has been previously oriented as to the objectives and conditions of participation in the program, committing himself/herself to dedicate his/her efforts to deserve the benefit granted to him/her, being aware that his/her performance and dedication will be constantly monitored and evaluated.
5.1 What are the objectives of our data protection policy?

privacy policy serves to explain to the user of all virtual channels ("Virtual Channels") made available to the general consumer public by LINGOPASS CURSOS ON LINE LTDA. - (" LINGOPASS"), how and why the data and information made available by him/her ("collected data") are collected, processed, stored and handled by LINGOPASS, in order to meet specific requirements of data protection legislation and privacy regulations.

Our Privacy Policy applies to LINGOPASS as the recipient of the personal data eventually provided by the user and for which LINGOPASS becomes responsible - as of the respective collection - for the use, storage and protection as the controller of the information provided according to the legal definition.
5.2 What is LINGOPASS' commitment to data protection?

considers the protection of the privacy of personal data of utmost importance, and is committed to safeguarding, in accordance with the legislation in force, the privacy of all those who, in any way, make their personal information available to it.
5.3 Whose responsibility is it to process the data collected?

responsibility for the processing, storage and handling of the data collected is exclusively that of LINGOPASS.
5.4 What data is collected?

the purposes of LINGOPASS's privacy policy, data collected are information provided by the user upon registration (full name, date of birth, CPF, home address, e-mail, telephone, level of proficiency in foreign languages), as well as those obtained through assessments and activities on the platform (attendance records, assessment grades), and those obtained during the online payment process for our services.

Our sites use navigation cookies, that is, small text files that are stored in the internet user's computer and can be recovered during navigation. However, cookies do not store any personal information, but only contain tracking data that allows the site to recognize its presence through the user's browser, offering a more customized browsing experience and offers. These cookies are previously authorized by the website user and may be discarded or blocked at any time, according to specific instructions from the respective browser.
5.5 When is the data collected?

may collect your personal data when you register, when you complete assessments and activities on the platform, when you pay to acquire a license to access the Lingopass platform, or, occasionally, when you contact LINGOPASS for technical support.
5.6 Why is the data collected used?

data collected will be used for:
a) Pre-qualification and identification of the user wishing to access the Lingopass platform, ensuring a secure and personalized environment for each user;
b) Enabling communication regarding the services to which the user has access on account of the contracted license, including notices of updates, security notifications and customer assistance;
c) Enable the payment process (and respective issuance of invoices) for the contracted license, ensuring transparency and compliance in financial transactions;
d) Carry out marketing analysis and customer profiling for statistical purposes, with the aim of improving the service offering and personalizing the user experience, always respecting the privacy and preferences of each individual;
e) For eventual promotional and institutional campaigns by LINGOPASS, with the aim of informing users about news, features or exclusive opportunities, with the option of unsubscribing available at any time;
f) Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations, ensuring that LINGOPASS complies with applicable laws, including, but not limited to, tax and data protection legislation;
g) Carrying out other activities essential to the regular operation of LINGOPASS, within the scope of its corporate purpose, including the maintenance of technological infrastructure, continuous improvement of services and technical support services;
h) For academic purposes (art. 4, II, b) and for studies by research bodies (art. 5, XVIII), XVIII), in which case articles 7 and 11 of the LGPD apply, always guaranteeing the anonymization or pseudonymization of data whenever possible to protect the identity of users.
In addition, the data collected may be used to guarantee the security of users, preventing fraud and abuse that may affect the provision of services. These uses reflect LINGOPASS' commitment to transparency, security and privacy of its users' personal data, in accordance with best market practices and current legislation.
5.7 With whom is the data collected shared and/or transferred?

does not sell or rent the data collected to third parties, nor does it use or share it in any way other than that described in this Privacy Policy, without the user's prior consent, unless there is a court order to the contrary.

The data collected may be shared with third parties exclusively in the following cases:
a) During the credit card payment process, the cardholder's data is entered directly into the online payment management platform;
b) By court order or legal provision.
c) We work with third parties who provide services, which may include hosting the site, carrying out the promotion, processing orders, releasing credit cards, analyzing data and other services of an administrative nature.
d) We work in partnership with public research bodies for scientific, historical, statistical or technological research of a public or general interest, guaranteeing the anonymization and pseudonymization of data whenever possible.
e)With companies contracting the services offered by LINGOPASS, for the purposes of contractual execution, provision of agreed services and other purposes directly related to the object of the contract signed between LINGOPASS and such companies. This sharing is carried out respecting the principles of purpose, necessity and data minimization, ensuring the protection of privacy and personal data of users.

Personal information, including financial information, may be shared with third parties for the purposes of providing such services to you.

We seek to impose confidentiality obligations on these service providers. In addition, companies affiliated with Lingopass may use your personal information under the terms of this Privacy Policy.

We also reserve the right to disclose personal information to third parties when we believe in good faith that the law requires it, to enforce our Terms of Service, to protect the rights, property, safety or security of Lingopass or the public, to respond to an emergency, or as otherwise indicated in this Privacy Policy.
5.8 How does LINGOPASS protect the data collected?

adopts strict data protection, privacy and security measures and controls in order to safeguard the data collected, including among others, data encryption on its websites, data backup at external locations.
5.9  Durante quanto tempo os dados coletados são armazenados?

O LINGOPASS armazenará os dados coletados pelo período que considerar necessário ao devido cumprimento das finalidades que determinaram sua respectiva coleta.

O LINGOPASS respeitará o prazo legal mínimo de armazenamento de informações dos(as) usuários(as), conforme disposto na Lei n. 12.965/2014.

Períodos de Retenção:

- Dados da conta do usuário: retidos durante o período de atividade da conta do usuário e por um período de 3 anos após o encerramento da conta, para cumprir obrigações legais e possíveis solicitações de reativação.
- Dados financeiros: retidos por 7 anos para cumprir regulamentos contábeis e fiscais.
- Dados de comunicação: emails e outras comunicações são retidos por 2 anos, a menos que sejam necessários para fins legais ou comerciais.
- Dados de transações: registros de transações são mantidos por 7 anos para cumprir requisitos legais e de auditoria.
- Dados de avaliação e aprendizado
: retidos por 5 anos após a conclusão do curso para apoiar solicitações de usuários e melhorar os serviços educacionais.

Exclusão e Anonimização:
Após o término do período de retenção, os dados são excluídos de forma segura ou anonimizados para garantir que não possam ser vinculados a um indivíduo.
Técnicas de anonimização de dados são aplicadas quando apropriado para reter informações úteis sem comprometer a privacidade individual.
5.10 How to access, change or restrict the use of the personal data collected?

user will have the right to access his/her personal data whenever he/she wishes, and can (and should) correct or update them at any time by selecting the "Register/Change" option in the top menu of the Virtual Learning Environment.

Eventually, LINGOPASS may retain some personal data for an additional period of time in order to comply with legal or regulatory obligations, as well as for the possible regular exercise of LINGOPASS's rights, as well as for academic and scientific research purposes, and for the purposes of audits and compliance with compliance standards.

The retention of personal data will be made for the period of time necessary to comply with the above-mentioned obligations, always respecting the deadlines established in the applicable legislation.
5.11 How do I express my consent for the use of my personal data?

providing the data collected in any of the Virtual Channels virtual channels, the visitor will be automatically consenting to the rules and limits of use, protection and security established herein, as well as to the other provisions contained in the Terms of Use.
5.12 Can I cancel my consent for the use of my personal data?

, the user may request via e-mail dpo@lingopass.com.br the cancellation of the use of his/her personal data.LINGOPASS will cease the use and treatment of data for institutional and promotional activities within 48 working hours if the user expressly cancels his/her consent to do so, as of the confirmation of LINGOPASS's receipt of such request.
5.13 Quais são os direitos do(a)s usuário(a)s como titulares de dados pessoais?

O LINGOPASS reserva aos respectivo(a)s usuário(a)s a possibilidade de exercerem os direitos previstos na Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (“LGPD”), podendo apresentar solicitações relacionadas aos seus dados pessoais, tais como:
a) Confirmação da existência de tratamento;
b) Acesso aos dados pessoais;
c) Correção de dados incompletos, inexatos ou desatualizados;
d) Anonimização, bloqueio ou eliminação de dados desnecessários, excessivos ou supostamente tratados em desconformidade com a LGPD, ressalvadas as hipóteses previstas em Lei;
e) Portabilidade dos dados a outro fornecedor de serviço ou produto, mediante requisição expressa pelo usuário;
f) Eliminação dos dados tratados com consentimento do usuário, ressalvadas as hipóteses previstas em Lei;
g) Obtenção de informações sobre as entidades com as quais compartilhou os seus dados;
h) Informação sobre a possibilidade de o usuário não fornecer o consentimento, bem como de ser informado sobre as consequências em caso de negativa;
i) Informações relacionadas ao tratamento, armazenagem e destinação dos dados pessoais, no âmbito da LGPD;
j) Revogação do consentimento.

Para exercer os direitos indicados acima, por favor, entre em contato através do e-mail dpo@lingopass.com.br.


6.1 Introdução

Esta seção dos Termos e Condições rege o compromisso do LINGOPASS, uma Edtech inovadora, com práticas éticas, ambientais, sociais e de governança (ESG), enfatizando a nossa dedicação à diversidade, inclusão, sustentabilidade, justiça social e governança corporativa.

6.2 Nossos compromissos

6.2.1 Diversidade, inclusão e combate à discriminação

Conforme a Lei 7.716/89, reiteramos nosso compromisso com um ambiente sem discriminação. Acreditamos firmemente no valor intrínseco de cada indivíduo, independentemente de sua raça, gênero, idade, orientação sexual, deficiência, religião ou qualquer outra característica. A discriminação não tem lugar no Lingopass, e acreditamos enquanto empresa que um ambiente virtual seguro e respeitoso é essencial para o sucesso de todos. Por isso, a empresa toma medidas rigorosas para garantir que todos os colaboradores, clientes, fornecedores e afins se comportem de forma profissional e ética.

Havendo quebra desse compromisso na forma de comportamentos que firam esses princípios entre as partes do contrato, o Lingopass reserva o direito de encerrar contrato, seja com o colaborador, fornecedor ou cliente. Vale ressaltar que para denunciar qualquer comportamento indevido, além do email, recomendamos nosso Canal de Ouvidoria (ouvidoria@lingopass.com.br), pois esse é anônimo.

6.2.2 Sustentabilidade

O LINGOPASS está profundamente comprometida com a integração de práticas sustentáveis e responsáveis em todas as suas operações. Este compromisso se manifesta em várias áreas principais:

• Ambiental: Nos dedicamos a adotar e promover práticas que visam à conservação do meio ambiente, minimizar nosso impacto ambiental e fomentar a sustentabilidade em todos os níveis da nossa operação. Isso inclui, mas não se limita a, o uso eficiente de recursos, a redução de resíduos e a implementação de políticas amigáveis ao meio ambiente.

• Social: Nos esforçamos para promover condições de trabalho justas e seguras, respeitar os direitos humanos e contribuir positivamente para as comunidades onde operamos. Isso envolve não apenas o bem-estar dos nossos colaboradores, mas também o suporte e o desenvolvimento das localidades ao nosso redor.

• Governança: Mantemos altos padrões de transparência, ética e conformidade regulatória em todas as nossas operações e processos decisórios. Isso é fundamental para garantir a confiança e a integridade em todas as nossas relações comerciais e institucionais.

6.3 Responsabilidades do Usuário

Ao utilizar os serviços do Lingopass, você se compromete a:

• Respeitar e aderir às políticas e práticas estabelecidas pelo LINGOPASS.
• Agir de maneira ética e responsável em todas as interações dentro da plataforma Lingopass e com outras partes interessadas.
• Reportar qualquer preocupação ou prática que possa contrariar os Termos ou os padrões éticos estabelecidos pelo LINGOPASS, utilizando o canal ouvidoria@lingopass.com.br para tais comunicações.

6.4 Transparência e Comunicação

Comprometemo-nos a manter uma postura de transparência sobre nossas práticas voltadas para sustentabilidade, diversidade e inclusão e combate à discriminação, fornecendo informações atualizadas através do nosso site oficial (www.lingopass.com.br) e/ou por meio de publicações em nossos canais de comunicação.

Além disso, valorizamos o diálogo aberto e incentivamos uma comunicação ativa com todas as partes interessadas, visando a melhoria contínua de nossas práticas.

Ao aceitar estes Termos e Condições, você reconhece e concorda com o compromisso do LINGOPASS com a promoção de práticas sustentáveis e responsáveis, refletindo nosso esforço contínuo em contribuir positivamente para o mundo.
7.1 The user is prohibited from assigning or transferring to third parties the rights and obligations arising from this instrument, in whole or in part, unless with the prior express agreement of LINGOPASS, including the educational content, which is for the user's personal and non-transferable use.
7.2 LINGOPASS may outsource part or all of its obligations under these Terms of Use or their execution without the prior communication or consent of the user.
7.3 The declaration of invalidity of any provision of these Terms of Useshall not invalidate any of the others.
7.4 The tolerance of one party towards the other, in relation to the breach of any of the obligations assumed in these Terms of Useconstitutes mere liberality and is not considered a novation or waiver of any right, and does not prevent the tolerating party from demanding faithful compliance from the other at any time.
7.5 These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Brazil.
7.6 LINGOPASS may change the provisions of the Terms of Use and its related policies at any time, making them available on its website.
7.7 Exceptionally, these Terms of Use will be considered terminated:

- Due to unforeseeable circumstances and/or force majeure that prevent the execution of all or any of the contracted services, in a definitive manner, as provided for in item 6.8;

- Due to LINGOPASS's confessed or decreed bankruptcy or judicial reorganization filed by LINGOPASS, under the terms of Federal Law 11.101/2005; and

- At any time, upon 30 (thirty) days' prior written notice from LINGOPASS.
7.8 Acts of God or Force Majeure shall be excluded from Civil Liability, pursuant to Article 393 and its Sole Paragraph of the Brazilian Civil Code - Law 10.406/2002.

7.8.1 The Party that is affected by an act of God or Force Majeure shall notify the other immediately and in writing of the extent of the event and the estimated period during which it will be unable to perform or for which it will be obliged to delay the performance of its obligations under these Terms of Use.

7.8.2 The Party that is affected by an act of God or force majeure shall use its best efforts to ensure that its effects cease.

7.8.3 Once the effects of the act of God or force majeure have passed, the affected Party shall immediately notify the other Party in writing of this fact, restoring the original situation.

7.8.4 If the occurrence of the act of God or force majeure only partially impairs the performance of the obligations arising from these Terms of Usethe affected Party shall fulfill the obligations that have not been affected by the occurrence of the unforeseeable event or force majeure.
7.9 These Terms of Use represent the entire understanding between LINGOPASS and the user in relation to the matter dealt with herein, and shall prevail over any other previous understandings on the same matter, whether verbal or written.
7.10 If any provision of these Terms of Use are found by a competent court to be contrary to law, such provisions shall be enforced to the fullest extent permissible, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
7.11 These Terms of Use will remain valid and in force, without any alteration, interruption or need for prior notice, in the event of a merger, incorporation, spin-off, acquisition, or any other type of corporate operation that results in the transfer of corporate control or the business of LINGOPASS to a third party.
7.12 To settle any disputes arising from the Terms of Use and respective policies, including the Privacy Policy, the courts of São Paulo, SP, are hereby elected.



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