Are you looking to create an educational impact on society?

Além de nossa responsabilidade em oferecer educação de qualidade em idiomas estrangeiros, criamos iniciativas para aprimorar a qualidade de ensino para profissionais em busca de oportunidades de crescimento junto a nossas empresas parceiras.

See how to create social impact

Lingopass was born to make an impact.

Fazemos isso incentivando a inserção de talentos no mercado de trabalho e na própria comunidade com o uso da educação em idiomas. Com isso, geramos capacitação de colaboradores e impacto nas empresas parceiras e clientes.

How does our ESG program work?

Is your company looking to create an educational project that impacts beyond your employees?
Our projects are 100% flexible to meet the impact you are looking for!
Training for black leaders

Support your team in mastering new languages and soft skills so that they can grow even more. Training in leadership languages and soft skills specific to the employees' sector and department.

Training for people with disabilities

Language training for people with disabilities to make your company a truly inclusive place.

Women in Leadership

Language training and leadership soft skills specific to the employees' sector and department.

Putting down roots

Training programs for refugees that include Portuguese courses
for any level and technical trails on CV development and how
to find jobs in Brazil.

Training for black leaders

Apoie seu time a dominar novos idiomas e softskills para que possam crescer cada vez mais.

Training for people with disabilities

Language training for people with disabilities to make your company a truly inclusive place.

Women in Leadership

Language training and leadership soft skills specific to the employees' sector and department.

Putting down roots

Programas de formação para pessoas refugiadas que inclui cursos de português para qualquer nível e trilhas técnicas de desenvolvimento de currículo e como encontrar empregos no Brasil.


We create impact in two ways

4x1 campaign
For every 4 licenses contracted, 1 goes to people in vulnerable situations.
License donations through the Empowering Talents program and ESG projects in partnership with companies.
By taking part in the initiatives, your company earns the Lingopass Seal and demonstrates its ESG commitment to developing a more responsible world:
Impact of the program
donated in licenses
30 partner non-profit institutions
1,500 young people
in socio-economic vulnerability
5,000 licenses
donated to date
150 refugees
receiving foreign language education
500 teachers
teaching foreign languages
1,872 people
impacted by the initiatives in 2023

Empowering Talents came about with the aim of creating a social arm with an impact outside the home, i.e. on society. With the success of the program, we set bolder impact goals for the three target audiences. Along the way, we discovered that to get there, we would have to work in partnership and change our strategy.


Accelerated training trails lasting 3 months, in which talents have access to English, Spanish, French and Portuguese (for non-Brazilians).

Target audience
of the program:

People in situations of social and economic vulnerability, refugees, women (students or professionals) in STEM.

More than 20 NGOs and partner schools
More than 20 NGOs and partner schools
Meet All
ProGueto Institute 
Generating Falcons 
Teach Brazil
Enactus Brazil
Crossing Stories 
Community Association Despertar
PAC Child Friendly Projects 
Instituto Ação Educação
Mariana Dias Rios Institute 
House José Coltro
ProGueto Institute 
Mariana Dias Rios Institute 
PAC Child Friendly Projects 
Instituto Ação Educação
Generating Falcons 
Community Association Despertar
Crossing Stories 
Teach Brazil
House José Coltro
Enactus Brazil
Are you a company seeking educational impact inside and outside your company?
Contact us using the form

Cases of companies taking part


How Lingopass engaged 10x more students from the Ânima Ecosystem in a 90-day language bootcamp


Companies are increasingly involved in global business, interacting with customers, partners and suppliers from different linguistic backgrounds. This reality presents a significant challenge for individuals aiming for successful careers - the need to master not only their mother tongue, but also other languages.


The program offered exclusive resources, such as personalized self-diagnosis, gamified distance learning paths with personalized study plans, resulting in certificates being issued to all completers at the end of each course and bootcamp.


The program played a key role in the university qualification project. With the platform, designed to be a management and control system for managers, generating an increase in various factors such as reach, engagement, performance and satisfaction.


Companies are increasingly involved in global business, interacting with customers, partners and suppliers from different linguistic backgrounds. This reality presents a significant challenge for individuals aiming for successful careers - the need to master not only their mother tongue, but also other languages.


The program offered exclusive resources, such as personalized self-diagnosis, gamified distance learning paths with personalized study plans, resulting in certificates being issued to all completers at the end of each course and bootcamp.


The program played a key role in the university qualification project. With the platform, designed to be a management and control system for managers, generating an increase in various factors such as reach, engagement, performance and satisfaction.


How Santander Group's Aquanima team achieved +600 hours of training on the platform


Employees working in banks often face various language-related challenges, and the need for language training is crucial for a number of reasons. Recently, Grupo Santander's Aquanima faced these challenges and chose to rely on Lingopass to address them effectively.


The solution presented by Lingopass proved to be highly effective and suitable for meeting Aquanima's challenge of training its 30 employees in languages in an effective and comprehensive way. With a comprehensive set of features and services, Edtech offered a customized solution that met the financial institution's needs in an exemplary manner.


This quest for linguistic proficiency has not only enriched internal communication at Aquanima Santander, but has also opened doors to more effective collaboration in an increasingly globalized world.


Employees working in banks often face various language-related challenges, and the need for language training is crucial for a number of reasons. Recently, Grupo Santander's Aquanima faced these challenges and chose to rely on Lingopass to address them effectively.


The solution presented by Lingopass proved to be highly effective and suitable for meeting Aquanima's challenge of training its 30 employees in languages in an effective and comprehensive way. With a comprehensive set of features and services, Edtech offered a customized solution that met the financial institution's needs in an exemplary manner.


This quest for linguistic proficiency has not only enriched internal communication at Aquanima Santander, but has also opened doors to more effective collaboration in an increasingly globalized world.


Why Embraer chose Lingopass to train 1,000 executives in languages


The need for Embraer, one of the leading global aircraft manufacturers, to master several languages is based on several fundamental reasons. The aerospace industry is intrinsically global, with international collaborations being a constant in joint projects. For Embraer, the ability to communicate accurately is essential for coordinating activities and sharing technical information.


Embraer has found in Lingopass a partner capable of understanding its needs and the particularities of each group, offering practical online training solutions and a wide range of innovative tools and resources.


In collaboration with Lingopass, Embraer's Language Academy successfully implemented a high-impact Training and Development culture. During this period, we carried out more than 600 placement tests, which allowed us to gain an in-depth understanding of each participant's initial level of proficiency.


The need for Embraer, one of the leading global aircraft manufacturers, to master several languages is based on several fundamental reasons. The aerospace industry is intrinsically global, with international collaborations being a constant in joint projects. For Embraer, the ability to communicate accurately is essential for coordinating activities and sharing technical information.


Embraer has found in Lingopass a partner capable of understanding its needs and the particularities of each group, offering practical online training solutions and a wide range of innovative tools and resources.


In collaboration with Lingopass, Embraer's Language Academy successfully implemented a high-impact Training and Development culture. During this period, we carried out more than 600 placement tests, which allowed us to gain an in-depth understanding of each participant's initial level of proficiency.


The Federal Police used Lingopass to train 1000 civil servants in 3 languages


The ANP recognized the need for language improvement due to the increase in demands related to migration control, registration of foreigners, international cooperation and management meetings. However, it faced specific challenges that required a 100% online and fully integrated training solution.


There were technical visits to Brasilia, internal and market research with the PF, as well as understanding the organization's main need and how we could stand out from the competition. Lingopass won the bidding process and began implementing a highly innovative project aimed at improving language training, with close supervision from the Language Academy.


The Federal Police's language training program, with Lingopass as one of its pillars, not only achieved but successfully exceeded the main training objectives set for its agents. The platform played a key role in this success, providing students with flexible access to online training tools, in line with demands for more adaptable learning methods.


The ANP recognized the need for language improvement due to the increase in demands related to migration control, registration of foreigners, international cooperation and management meetings. However, it faced specific challenges that required a 100% online and fully integrated training solution.


There were technical visits to Brasilia, internal and market research with the PF, as well as understanding the organization's main need and how we could stand out from the competition. Lingopass won the bidding process and began implementing a highly innovative project aimed at improving language training, with close supervision from the Language Academy.


The Federal Police's language training program, with Lingopass as one of its pillars, not only achieved but successfully exceeded the main training objectives set for its agents. The platform played a key role in this success, providing students with flexible access to online training tools, in line with demands for more adaptable learning methods.

Lingopass in the media
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