Inglês, francês e espanhol para hotelaria

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Programa imersivo de idiomas para garçons, recepcionistas, cozinheiros, camareiras, concierges e gerentes.

Enable your team to communicate confidently and effectively with international clients, meeting diverse language needs, building strong relationships and using professional vocabulary with precision.

Confira como as trilhas personalizadas são estruturadas em nossa plataforma SaaS

Agribusiness Management
B1, B2

Evaluate agribusiness models, market trends, and opportunities to propose effective and sustainable growth strategies.

International Aviation Regulations
B1, B2

Analyze and compare international aviation regulations, recognizing their impact on global aviation safety.

Crafting Hospitality: Foundations and Introductions
A1, A2

Master the fundamentals of hospitality, articulate key elements of quality service, and craft engaging personal.

Sourcing and Supplier Management
B1, B2

Exploring strategic sourcing, emphasizing the identification, evaluation, and selection of qualified suppliers, alongside effective supplier relationship management strategies.

Boosting English Skills for Data Pros
B1, B2

Participants will develop fluency in expressing complex ideas and concepts in English, essential for presenting data information and collaborating with international teams.

International Sales Negotiations
C1, C2

Participants will explore the complexities of cross-cultural communication, gaining insights into language nuances, cultural customs, and business etiquette crucial for successful negotiations.

Effective listening and questioning
C1, C2

Enhance communication through active listening. Learn how to best question and  understanding  people in  professional interactions.

Conducting Meetings
C1, C2

Lead impactful meetings. Acquire tools and strategies for efficient planning, facilitation, and chairing the meeting at work.

Writing business emails
B1, B2

Polish business email writing. Learn to compose clear, concise, and professional emails to enhance corporate communication.


Resultados em tempo recorde e com acompanhamento da evolução de seus colaboradores.

You have access to the learning materials in the selected languages, as a student, and full management of the team's metrics and performance, as a manager.

Communicates simple tasks in progress and completed, understands recurring expressions related to their area of work and understands simple and direct requests.

Performs basic tasks and understands terms related to customer service , such as room service .

He presents himself formally and informally, and asks simple questions.

Participates in simple activities and communications, such as check-in or check-out.

Participates productively as a listener in operational meetings.

Includes basic problems related to hotel services or procedures.

Handles standard documents and provides basic customer service.

Demonstrates advanced skills, facilitating more complex interactions, resolving specific issues and providing detailed information about services.

It engages in more elaborate conversations about operations, such as Occupancy Rate.

Contributes to discussions on projects that involve some technical terms.

It can draft standard emails for booking, for example.

Able to discuss and understand complex and challenging subjects.

Communicates effectively in a variety of situations.

Collects, analyzes and responds to customer feedback.

Able to present results and projects, produce technical documents, take part in complex negotiations, lecture on their field, understand cultural nuances and lead native teams.

He contributes to advanced technical discussions such as management strategies and advanced metrics like RevPAR.

Prepares documents on the network's growth and expansion strategies.

Participates in initiatives, applying advanced concepts in the sector.

Leads teams of different nationalities.

It manages complex projects in the hospitality sector, such as Renovation and Refurbishment Projects.

Conducts complex negotiations, ensuring favorable agreements for the network in financial and service aspects.

O Lingopass é apontado pela HolonIQ como uma das 100 melhores edtechs, destacando-se como uma das soluções mais inovadoras no segmento de language learning.

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The test follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and each question has a limit of 30 seconds to answer.
Average test time: 15 minutes
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